Last year while out with white water we were having a very slow day. I had the usual pattern of rods out 4 off the back and one deep near the cabin. The shallow rod i decided to give my experimental bait a go on and in about 20 mins a fin came form the opposite direction of the dubby trial at speed and hit the rod i landed a small blue about 50lbs and stuck another bait out to be hit by a porbeagle of about the same size 5 mins later.
The bait
Take herrings or other soft fleshed fish place in big freezer bags and cover with pilchard oil mixed with vegetable oil 50/50 leave for 1 hour and then stick in the freezer leave over night pack in ice and take fishing they wont freeze solid because there saturated with oil.
The Why
Well we used to do this with Pike bait and it always was effective so I decided to give it a try my personal view is that the drift that takes the top layer of the sea the section most of the trail is floating in quite often is moving in a different direction to the layer the baits are sitting in as can be seen for the blue above we saw her coming for a fair distance and she wasn't in the trail she came smashing in from the side.
It is interesting that it was some 3 hours before we had a shark in the conventional trail on a conventional bait. It needs more testing but its one ill be using a lot more i think.
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