Monday, 21 April 2008

Surf Fly fishing a small How To:

Surf Fly fishing a small How To:

Fishing with a fly rod in the UK is hard work i have a done quite a bit of this in the past the first thing is location if you are not going to use a boat which is a fine way to practice this aspect of the sport, then you need the right sort of beach what you really want are features that will cause the fish to run in close these include deep runs and sand bars with deep drop offs these create nice channels that the bass and other predators run along feeding on the sandeals and other small fish.

The trick is to find a beach from which you can either wade to within reach of the fish so long and shallow allowing you to get out to where it starts to drop off or my preference steep and deep with bars running close in also its worth noting beach coves between rock faces these are good places to pick up pollock.

For tackle i favor a 8-9 weight rod with a real that takes a full length sinking or sinktip weight forward fly line with 50m of backing i prefer a shooting head arrangement with solid nylon backing but its personal thing you go with what ever gives you the distance.

This is attached to a tapered leader i like lengths of 7 - 10 ft and point strengths of 10lbs, I tend to tie flys with a lot of white marabou and sparkle over leaded bodies but there are loads of good patterns out there and i use a mixture of my own patterns and over the counter patterns.

I cast across and out starting at the far and and working my way to the right i start with a cast out to just beyond the third breaker and a sharp jerky retrieve and then move further out generally by wading till i reach my maximum depth but it has to be said quite often the fish are in the first couple of breakers esp. if there has been a storm and the beach is deep.

The leaded fly i find kicks up sand of the bottom making it look lke a sandeal moving through the sand the sparkle and white body prove to be killers.

Its important to learn how to beach a decent fish as well and to use the action of the waves to your advantage to sweep the fish into the beachtiming it with your own efforts.

Anyway ill try to dig some pictures out and post them .

PS:. I always carry a small spinning rod as well and some spoons an a few plus i have found there are days where the fish just wont have the fly and its worth a parting shot with the spoons or a rappala. Not very pure but there you have it the sins of a practical angler.

Thoughts on simple change

Some thoughts on simple change within a system : Not taking into account friendly impact events.

Note: This document is representative of my of a portion of research notes only and not to be treated as finished work.

Any given system can be seen to have a set of player, the players can perform actions on any given aspect of said system that falls within their domain of access, the players can also become subject to actions. The system can permit actions to be performed from within its domain that effect aspects of domains outside the system boundaries with which it has a relationship.

An interaction of any description will have the effect of causing change to some entity within the given system or within the scope of the given system. This effect can sometimes not be of a noteworthy nature but as discussed later in this document can cause a cascade that results in massive change within the given system.

A change within a system can be said to have a foot print of impact, aspects within the foot print of impact can in turn create a cascade of further change these changes may have been triggered directly by the original change or may be a response to some-other consequential call to action.

A change can be said to have been none voluntary and to have been forced upon the originator or a change can be said to be voluntary and to have been instigated with the originators consent.

When changes happen in a linear chain e.g.: one after another with the original change concluding prior to the following change being initiated, the effect is controllable and predictable and can be described as a linear cascade of change.

It is possible to visualize the linear cascade of change as a flow a good visual representation of this would be a river which at this point we will conceptualize to not have any tributaries.

1.0a Linear Change Flow Entity Representation
Player=P Initial Change=IC Next Change=NC
Action=A Active Change=AC

Life Cycle of Cascade =(P {invokes}A {causes} IC {cascades} ((AC{invokes}NC [NC {becomes} AC]) {while}(!NC=null))

“If we can predict the interactions and transition points in the relationship between NC and AC this becomes a model we can control and predict ”

“ As the velocity of the cascade decays to a rate of measure that can be termed inactive and given that the volicity can be said to be made of the distance between the NC becoming AC and the end point of the current AC the cascade comes to an end and the foot print of impact of the
original action can be said to have concluded.”

“The effect of the original action can be said to be composed of all the effects of all the Changes{AC,IC} within the foot print of impact.”

The linear flow of change has the potential to effect any aspects within its circle of influence. It is possible to observe that change can be measured as a vector we can say that the consequence of change can be viewed as directional energy and the vectors of such energy can be graphed against measures of Time Axis and against unit of effect. Unit of Effect is open to interpretation as to how a unit would be defined but a simple vies could measure each effect on any aspect as a unit of measure on the UOE axis. Fr the remainder of this document we shall simple refer to
these units as units of change energy.

If an aspect with which the linear flow of change has interacted is agitated to originate an action this could be said to be as a consequence of the orienting cascade of change which has now changed its character from a simple linear flow model to more complex branched flow this we
can conceptualize as our river with a tributary added. At this juncture we start to see the complexity of the consequential model emerge.

By extrapolation it is possible to conclude that given sufficient change energy and multiple aspects within the path of the global circle of change that we will end up with a complex inverse tree structure growing from the original action. We can therefore conceptualize this as as
river with many tributaries which in turn have child tributaries. We can also see within this model that the change foot print would continue to grow as long as change energy and aspects for the child changes to agitate lie within the path of the moving circle of change. When either the energy is depleted or there are no further aspects to interact with the circle of change would stop expanding and can be said to be concluded.

However within this scenario we can conclude that the resulting model as presented above is now a complex model and the simple action that resulted in the initial change has expanded to form a complex tree of consequence with in the domain of the system and related entities.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Thursday, 28 February 2008

One of my sharks recaptured getting a sun tan

One of my tagged sharks from one of my 2006 sharking trips has turned up and the tag returned to saber tooth. heres the data:

sharks form the trip

21712 Blue 19 Jul 2006 Neil Martin No
21709 Blue 19 Jul 2006 Neil Martin No
21708 Blue 19 Jul 2006 Neil Martin No
21700 Porbeagle 19 Jul 2006 Neil Martin No

the one recaptured :

Blue 19 Jul 2006 Neil Martin 08 Oct 2007

Recaptured 08 Oct 2007
Method Spanish Longliner
Returned? No
Location 43 20'N 038 05'W, 350M NW The Azores
Dimensions 200cm fork length, 54Kg (119lb). Estimate 74lb when first captured
Distance Travelled 1,400M
Direction WSW
Days at Liberty

many thanks to saber tooth.


Saturday, 23 February 2008